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Meet our team

Rick Berends

(Sports) Physiotherapist, MSc. in Sports Physical Therapy / Sports performance coach

Rick has been working as a physiotherapist since 2006. In 2011 he graduated as a master in Sports Physical therapy from the University of applied sciences in Utrecht. During the years, he acquired and developed different treatment methods that combine scientific evidence with practice experience. Manual therapy, Triggerpoint therapie and Kinesio taping are examples of it.

Consultations are possible in Dutch, English, German.


Nadia Giampellegrini

Physiotherapist, Musician Care specialist

Nadia Giampellegrini graduated in Luxembourg in 2012 and started then a four-year physiotherapy program in The Netherlands, Eindhoven. After her graduation in July 2016, she joined the team of the Paramedical Centre Luxembourg. During her studies, she covered the theory and skills for general physiotherapy although she had the chance to accumulate knowledge about sport physiotherapy and taping. Moreover, interested in the connection between music and physiotherapy, she puts her attention towards prevention and posture for musicians or people in contact with music .

Consultations in French, English, German, Luxembourgisch and Italian.

Dominika Bezakova

(Sports) Physiotherapist, MSc. In Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health

Dominika is a Physiotherapist and Sports medicine practitioner with clinical experience from private London clinic and Prague Centre of Movement Medicine, where she was working with clients with miscellaneous diagnoses as well as professional athletes from Czech National Olympic team. She integrates her knowledge gained from her academic base (Kings College London, University College London) and clinical experience and collaboration with experts from the Prague School of Rehabilitation. Her approach is comprising of detailed analysis of functioning, movement and daily activities since she believes every client had hers or his unique needs, which are addressed with appropriate therapy and postural and movements/functionality corrections.

Consultations in English, French, Slovak and Czech.

Pierre Baldit

Physiotherapist – Shoulder specialist

Pierre graduated with a degree in physiotherapy in Spain in 2021. During his time at university, he developed skills in general physiotherapy through various internships. Since then, he has been working in private practices, where he has treated a wide range of patients, from newborns to the elderly, using different methods such as physical activity therapy, trigger point therapy, posture correction, and massage, depending on each patient’s needs.

To complement his training, he had the opportunity to undertake two specialized courses in shoulder rehabilitation and lymphatic drainage.He has also been involved in the care and follow-up of both professional and amateur rugby teams since the beginning of his studies.

Consultations are available in French, English, and Spanish.

Anne Durocher


Native of Canada and graduated from the University of Montreal, I moved to Europe in 2002. Over my 14 years of private practice, exchanges with customers and colleagues and using my experience and my training in Canadian hospitals, I asked myself a simple question … “How can eating healthier and staying fit become Facile, Accessible and Zen?”

This question made me take a turn in my career and spawned: • a new approach of nutrition in my 1st office • much more effective results • an explosion of word of mouth • strong customer demand for our services in other cities • the idea of sharing the methods and tools by creating a partnership with other dieticians

Consultations in French and English and for appointments, please phone +352 621 666 674

aakriti Varshney

Masters in Applied Psychology – Occupational Psychologist

Aakriti is a psychologist from India. She moved to Luxembourg a year back. She has 10 years of experience of working as an occupational psychologist with Adults and Adolescents. After completing her bachelors and masters in Applied Psychology from Delhi University, she has been working in the field of behavioral assessment and counseling. She has worked with companies and as an Independent Psychologist in Medical Centers in India, helping individuals as well as corporate in managing behavioral issues. Her focus area is helping individuals in managing and coping with anxiety, depression, stress-burnout, relationships, personal effectiveness. Being an expat herself, she also specializes in expat counseling, wherein helping families, individuals and women to cope and adapt to the expat life, away from their native country.

Consultations in English and Hindi. For appointments, please phone +352 691 522 399 or look for the links.


Nienke Berends

Centre Manager

Nienke has studied Cesar kinetics therapy in the Netherlands and specialized in pediatric clinical care. In the past, she has seen a lot of children with motor coordination problems.
To have a better work-life balance, Nienke stopped seeing patients. She is now doing the administration of the practice and making sure everything goes smoothly in the communication with the patients.

You can contact her in Dutch, English, French, and German.

Tsvetelina Tsvetkova​

Masters in Applied Psychology – EFT/EDMR Therapist

Tsvetelina is a psychologist with extensive experience in the corporate world. Her professional career has enabled to develop expertise in stress management, conflict management and burnout prevention in the workplace.

At the same time, she is also a clinical specialist, with a particular focus on the treatment of simple and complex traumas. She is involved in bereavement support, perinatal issues and other aspects of mental health.

 Her approach integrates both occupational psychology skills to help individuals and teams overcome professional challenges, and a clinical approach to deal with trauma and other deeper psychological difficulties.
This unique combination of expertise enables her to offer comprehensive and personalised support, responding to both professional and personal needs.

Consultations in French, Englisch and Bulgarian. For more info or booking look for the links.


At PMCL we’re handling the patient-centred-care-principle. This means that we are there for you to inform, advise, treat, and support you. We think it is important that you are always in control when it comes to making decisions about your own treatment process (shared decision making). Therefore we provide you knowledge and understanding about the procedures and treatments you will undergo. For delivering patient-centred-care we are using the latest evidence-based practice approach.


Paramedical centre is a multi disciplinair health center in Luxembourg. We believe that in the first line care cooperation is crucial to treat you efficiently. With intervision we share experience, knowledge, skills and cases.
Your privacy is safe in our practice. If we want to share information with other medical disciplines, we only do it with your approval. Medical privacy regulations are aplied in the centre.